full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ruth Chang: How to make hard choices

Unscramble the Blue Letters

There's another reason for thinking that hard choices aren't choices between equally good options. Suppose you have a choice between two jobs: you could be an investment banker or a graphic artist. There are a variety of things that matter in such a choice, like the excitement of the work, achieving financial security, having time to raise a family, and so on. Maybe the artist's career puts you on the cutting edge of new frmos of prtcoaiil expression. Maybe the banking ceerar puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of fniaincal mauiinplaotn.

Open Cloze

There's another reason for thinking that hard choices aren't choices between equally good options. Suppose you have a choice between two jobs: you could be an investment banker or a graphic artist. There are a variety of things that matter in such a choice, like the excitement of the work, achieving financial security, having time to raise a family, and so on. Maybe the artist's career puts you on the cutting edge of new _____ of _________ expression. Maybe the banking ______ puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of _________ ____________.


  1. manipulation
  2. career
  3. financial
  4. forms
  5. pictorial

Original Text

There's another reason for thinking that hard choices aren't choices between equally good options. Suppose you have a choice between two jobs: you could be an investment banker or a graphic artist. There are a variety of things that matter in such a choice, like the excitement of the work, achieving financial security, having time to raise a family, and so on. Maybe the artist's career puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of pictorial expression. Maybe the banking career puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of financial manipulation.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
hard choices 18
equally good 5
create reasons 4
hard choice 3
real numbers 3
marry betty 2
understanding hard 2
good options 2
career puts 2
cutting edge 2
banking job 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
understanding hard choices 2
equally good options 2

Important Words

  1. achieving
  2. artist
  3. banker
  4. banking
  5. career
  6. choice
  7. choices
  8. cutting
  9. edge
  10. equally
  11. excitement
  12. expression
  13. family
  14. financial
  15. forms
  16. good
  17. graphic
  18. hard
  19. investment
  20. manipulation
  21. matter
  22. options
  23. pictorial
  24. puts
  25. raise
  26. reason
  27. security
  28. suppose
  29. thinking
  30. time
  31. variety
  32. work